Josi’s Blog

Welcome to my blog! This is where personal growth meets actionable insights. Dive into thought-provoking articles that challenge you to take ownership of your life, rebuild self-trust, and navigate the ups and downs of both entrepreneurship and personal development!

Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

The answer to: “Why you’re not where you want to be”

“So, you’re running a business as a one-woman show. You have a BIG vision, you put in the work, you show up to do the DO. You surround yourself with the right people, you show up online, the sign at your “show front” says open, and you serve some dreamy clients. But you haven’t reached that big goal yet, there aren’t enough clients yet. You didn’t retire your partner yet or haven’t upgraded to a house with a room just for your pet yet. You’re not yet world-famous. And so you question: “Why am I not where I wanna be YET?" (…)

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

What NO ONE tells you about personal growth

“Self-improvement, personal growth, reaching goals, and working for your own dreams is not only ringle-rosy perfect, they DO come at a certain cost. This is why so many people might never even try to pursue what they actually want to do or give up along the way because the toll might not be bearable for them, and instead choose the pain or cost of regret (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Do you take ownership of your results (or lack there of?)

“Let’s be honest, how much ownership do you take for your results? If there are none, are you quick to blame external factors (like too many meetings on your plate and no time to follow through (…) But also I want to ask you if there are some, are you owning those? Are you celebrating?

Taking ownership of our actions is an important part of dealing with success AND failure. When we take responsibility for our mistakes and achievements, we empower ourselves to make changes and improve (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

I learned more in 2.5 years of entrepreneurship than in almost a decade in corporate

“Oh the things I have done in these last 2.5 years. Some of them I never even dared to dream or think of when I was still working in my old role in the corporate world. This post is not a rant about corporate, I absolutely believe you can have dreamy soul-aligned careers that are aligned with your purpose and your core values. This just wasn’t the case for me, obviously.

I have said it before, but being an entrepreneur is like taking on 10+ new jobs at the same time. You as the CEO of your business hire yourself as Marketing Expert, CFO, Product Developer, Website Programmer, Content Creator, Copy Writer, UX Designer, (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Becoming Time Rich Is The New Sexy & How To Do It!

“Chances are you are here because you’re short on time and want to know how to get more of it.

The truth is though, you can’t. (Sorry to disappoint). We cannot increase the hours you have in the day, but what we can do is to be more smart with the hours we do have, and find ways to spend them well.

I will walk you through the steps that will help you to have the freedom to pick up some of the books that have been collecting dust on your bookshelf and finally read them. To clock off in time to (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Imma keep on going my way!

“For decades writing a book has been a huge dream of mine. After years and years of studying all things about mindset, testing and experimenting my own tools and being my own best student, I finally sat down last year on the 9th of October to pour everything I learned and know to be true into a GDoc. On the 6th of march this year  I ordered my first physical proofreading copy with a sample cover. And now I can finally announce that my debut book “And There She Goes Her Way” is finally realeased!!!

What has been an idea living in my head for decades finally came to life, so I want to share with you a little more about how we got to this point (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

When & Why to Leave Your 9-5

“The topic of quitting your 9-5 to pursue other dreams is still on an uproar even 3 years after the initial wave that has been caused by Covid, Us being stuck and bored at home and seeking new ways of generating income.

However, this is not a decision that should be taken lightly (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Step Back Into Self-Trust Through Visualisation

“I’m sure you are familiar with at least one of these terms like future self, best self or higher self. I talk quite a lot about it too, as do others on this space. What I don’t agree with though, is that a lot of gurus and self-proclaimed experts talk about it as if your best self is a separate, new version of yourself and that you have to reinvent yourself to become her. I call BS honestly.

I personally have always believed that we already have all that we need to make amazing shit happen (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

10 Questions to Ask Yourself to Make This Your Best Month Yet

“Before we dive in - don’t give me any of the “journaling is woo woo and doesn’t do sh!t” crap, ok? Ok! Don’t call it journaling if that doesn’t resonate with you then, call it reflection, self-awareness practice, thinking time, thought record, or even month end review or reporting.

Several studies have shown positive effects of regular journaling. It can help reduce anxiety, regulate emotions, break out of overthinking, and improve self-awareness (, 2021). In short, it helps you to understand yourself better, how you tick and what ticks you off or on. Ain’t nothing woo-woo or wrong with that my friend!

So if you want to make this next month or chapter in your life one of your best ones yet, grab a pen (…)”

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