The magic powers of gratitude
“…there is always something to be grateful for, no matter how small or big it may be…”
Gratitude is something that many people often overlook, forget about or do not really pay attention to. And then they are wondering why they are always miserable or unhappy. Of course, that doesn’t mean they are always miserable but gratitude CAN have a huge positive impact on your life. Not only can gratitude impact how you perceive life it also correlates with your manifestation power. But let’s take it one by one and get into it!
If you go through the day unaware of what happened and in the evening you are maybe wondering where the time went or you might keep thinking about that one person when your colleague made a really nasty comment. You go to bed and start the next day. What is missing here is bringing yourself back into the present moment every now and then and also appreciating the good things that happened. Instead of seeing everything black and going down the rabbit hole because of one silly comment you forget that actually, your partner got you flowers today, the sun was shining and you went for a beautiful walk or you got a coffee for free.
Showing gratitude for the little and the big things helps to shift our mindset to a more positive and open mindset. Life feels easier and good things keep happening more and more.
This is where we touch on manifestation as well. Choosing to focus on the good things will attract more good things into your life. Showing gratitude for them intensifies the energy you are sending out and accelerates the manifestation process. Gratitude creates good feelings and as we know feelings are the highway to manifesting all the dreams of yours! Appreciating what we have already, makes space for more to come into our life. If we think of restrictions and limitations only, there is no or less space for good things to come in.
So how can you actively bring more gratitude into your life? One great way (and one of my absolute favourite ways) is to write three things down I am grateful for every morning. For me personally, writing down always makes it a little bit more real and I can read it again if I need to in the evening or I can add to the list new things that happened. Other people might prefer to just think of all the things they are grateful for directly after getting up or whilst brushing their teeth and go through them in their mind or during meditation. You can totally also always end your day by writing down what you appreciated during the day to set your mind up for a good sleep with a high frequency.
Another great method is to do it right at the moment something great is happening. Someone lets you cross the street first? Thank the person who did it and say thank you in your mind for the kindness of others. Did you get a voucher for a free coffee? Be grateful that you could save some money. Zoom was working perfectly fine the whole day? Celebrate it and show gratitude that your nerves live another day. Whatever it is that gives you a great feeling about yourself, the situation, or life, appreciate it and say thanks.
You could also set up a gratitude challenge for yourself, every day of the week you say thank you to a person in your life and also tell her/him why you are grateful for them and what you love about them. You could just say it, send a little gift or card, write a text message, however, you prefer. But in doing that you not only feel great for spreading positive vibes you also make the other person feel better about themselves and their life and they might even feel inspired to do the same.
There you go, a little bit of gratitude can go a long way! Therefore, at this point, I want to say THANK YOU to you for reading my post and for being here! I truly appreciate you and am so happy you came onto here <3
What are you most grateful right now? Do you write things down you appreciate?
NamaStay Happy