3 reasons why you should meditate
“…connect with your body, soul and
full magical potential…”
So you might think, meditating that is just sitting somewhere, thinking about nothing, and “om-ing”. To be fair, that can be part of it, but it for sure is not the whole story and there is a lot more to it than just sitting and trying not to think about anything.
At this point, I want to make one thing clear already, the purpose of meditation is not “not thinking”, but rather to change your relationship with your thoughts. Just so that they might be a little less disturbing or overwhelming and taking over your mind. It is about appreciating your thoughts or feelings and letting them go again until the next one pops up. At first, this might be very hard because your head might be racing, but with time and practice, it will be easier and easier for you every time.
Let’s dive into the reasons why you should try and sit (or stand, walk, lie down,…) with your thoughts.
1. Taking care of your mental health is equally important
In order to live a happy, fulfilled, and healthy life it is not only crucial to look after your body, eat good food, and exercise but also to look after your mind. See your mind as a muscle you can train, would you not want it to be running at 100% all the time? If yes, then meditation can do wonders for you. For example, if you get anxious or overwhelmed by something or someone, taking a step back and having a moment of calm can help reduce the stress you are experiencing. There is a very good reason for the following quote:
If you have time, meditate 10 minutes every day. If you don’t meditate for 60 minutes.
2. Be more present and ground yourself
Not only is meditation a great tool to calm down and have a moment of peace, it also brings you back into the present moment. Way too often are we caught up in braining about past events that might have disturbed us or we are worrying about the future and what might happen. If we do that, we neglect the only time that actually has an impact on us and is relevant: the present moment. Technically, there is only one “time”, it is always now. Even if you are thinking about yesterday or tomorrow, they don’t exist in the current moment. (Again, I can only recommend reading Eckhart Tolle!). So, if there is only now we should make the best out of this very moment, no? Meditation can do that for you by feeling into your body, into your presence, and letting the thoughts go about the past or the future. It is a very grounding exercise, pulling you back to the current moment, the only time when you can truly change something or do something.
3. Tap into your true potential and greatness
There is more besides a healthy mind and grounding meditation can bring to you. There are many different types of meditations and once you got a little more familiar with the topic you can use it to your advantage and take it a step further. As I have mentioned in previous posts, we all consist of energy, always radiating information and vibrating. There are different levels of vibrations you can send out into the world (I highly recommend reading “you are supernatural” by Dr Joe Dispenza) and beyond. After bringing yourself back into the now, if you go a little deeper you can tap into nowhere, with no one and nothing around you. It is just you as a presence of energy. When you are in this area, which is also called the quantum field, you have all the powers you could ever imagine.
In this realm, you are the sole creator of your world and desires.
What you radiate into this space, will manifest in your life as money, a new job, a relationship, or whatever you may focus on. Fascinating right?