New Years Resolutions - reinvent yourself
We all have said it at some point in our life: “New Year, New Me”.
But how many of us have actually consciously managed to do so? Did we even truly think about what “new” is supposed to mean? Have we given it enough thought and a definition as to how “new” looks like and feels like, how we are being when we are “new”? Also, why do we want to be “new”, what is it that we want to change and experience differently?
Before setting your new years resolutions for 2023, I would love to invite you to think about these questions and get really clear on what “new me” means to you. Build a vision in as much detail as possible of this new version of yourself and connect it to the feelings of what it would be like to be that person.
Let’s work on this with an example, shall we?
One of my new year’s resolutions is this:
“I want to reach new personal records in weightlifting and get stronger.”
Who am I becoming?
> I am a strong person, someone who goes to the gym regularly and is consistent when it comes to training. I also am someone who learns more about the body and exercises to become stronger.
How does it feel to become stronger and reach new PBs?
> I feel confident, happy, and proud of myself for building a healthy body. I feel capable to do things that may have seemed hard before. I also feel healthy and more in tune with my body.
How am I being when strong?
> I am disciplined and consistent with my training, I record my workouts and weights so I can track my progress. I am a great gym buddy and can also teach others how to do exercises properly thanks to my knowledge and experience over the years and through doing the PT course.
What I am doing here is describing a new form of identity I want for myself. I also identified ways already how I can get there (with discipline and regular workouts). Therefore this will be a great base for me to continue working on and fleshing out my strategy and system to get there (more on this in a future post, watch out for it on 11/01/2023!).
One thing that is absolutely crucial to this process, is that you let go of your old version of yourself. Let go of the person who postponed workouts 3 days in a row, let go of the person who didn’t record any weights throughout sessions and just played around without consistent improvements.
Let go of who you were, to make space to create who you want to be.
Old habits, behaviours, beliefs, and thought patterns can crush you and your goals if you don’t set yourself free of them and provide fresh soil for new ones to grow.
Water and tend to your new beliefs, thoughts, and habits as this new person every day and it will become your new nature and state of being.
This is what it means to shift your mindset, to lead your life as you want it to be.
Don’t allow an old program to keep on controlling your life, let your will grow stronger to change it and allow yourself to evolve.
If you want to accelerate this process, or are still unsure how to start, reach out to me, and let’s have a chat about how I can best support you as your coach!