I read “The Power of Positive Leadership” by Jon Gordon
Here is what I take away from it:
In general, a really good book, touching on the importance of living positivity in your leadership, role modeling what’s possible, and the impact it can have not only on your life but also on other people’s lives. I loved the concepts he touched on as well as the countless examples of great positive leaders who basically create miracles. However, I did find the content at times repetitive and not as easily applicable to my life as examples were generalised and the focus was more on the outcome than the actual actions or small behaviour changes that person actually implemented to be a positive leader. Nevertheless, I still do highly recommend it as it does an amazing job at showing a different perspective and takes the “oh it’s just wishful thinking” out of the stigma surrounding positivity.
Below I summarised the 10 key takeaways I got from this book and I already have implemented or am implementing them now into my life in order to grow as a leader, coach, friend, and family member.
It is the positive thinkers, believers, dreamers, and doers who create the future. Not the pessimists, critics, and naysayers.
>> always look out for opportunities, give your ideas and passions a chance to grow and thrive, dream bigger than the rest of us and do something about it. If you are being positive you open up channels for more positivity, you will see it more and more in your life and tap into its full-on power. (Similar for pessimists who close themselves off and therefore attract more and more to be negative about).
You got to co-create with your team/others, just talking TO them will not bring about the transformation you seek.
>> ask yourself and your team what do you want to be known for and what you stand for. Then get together to create the new state, with you leading and driving the transformation. You have to be a living example of what you preach and desire to achieve in the company or general surroundings. People around DO pick up on it.
Have a vision and keep it alive, despite any challenges and setbacks. If you have this deep feeling of “yes this is the right path” you got to be resilient and stand up for your vision.
>> to get others on board with this vision you got to find out how to align your vision (or the company’s) with the personal visions of employees. How can their vision support the bigger one and how can the company support their personal one? How can e get the best out of both sides (in terms of performance, motivation,…)
Negativity is like weeds in the garden, you can’t simply ignore it and just water the “positivity-roses”, you have to do something about it.
>> If left ignored, weeds will spread and overgrow the garden you tried working on so hard. Negativity needs to be addressed, you will be surprised by how many people actually don’t realise they are being negative, or they don’t know yet how to overcome it. As a leader, it is your responsibility to look after them, create awareness about the negative influence and help them to overcome it. In the best case, they respond well and you retained talent or a friend and a great relationship with someone. In the worst case, you may have to set them free as they even might be in the wrong environment restricting them or growing and finding their way.
Busyness and stress are associated with fear and survival, if in survival mode we focus only on fire-fighting and getting through the day. There is no room for focusing on what really matters.
>> Stress can be intercepted by practicing mindfulness and gratitude. Make it a habit to focus on your senses for 2-3 minutes when stress creeps up, take deep breaths and make a mental note of things you are grateful for. In addition, channel the energy of positive emotions like love, empathy, or connection and from that place make a decision to act upon what is really important.
Communication builds trust. Trust generates commitment. Commitment fosters teamwork, and teamwork delivers great results.
>> communicate from a place of love, don’t have a hidden agenda, and don’t let negativity fill the hole created by lack of communication. Instead listen, talk, care encourage and remind of the vision and mission. Embrace challenges and challenge others to grow beyond what they thought is possible.
Great leadership starts small and consists in every little thing you do and say to inspire, love, care and support others.
>> You don’t have to do great things to serve, neither do you have to be great to serve, but in order to be great you got to serve. Keep on asking yourself how you can do so and how you get the best out of each other. Be committed to it, and be consistent.
Keep on learning and growing, and never stop.
>> Positive leaders long for the learning journey rather than the outcome alone, they keep on seeking ways to improve and be a little bit better each day (1% a day rule!). Thanks to their big visions, and commitment they don’t shy away to put in the work to grow and get closer to their best version of themselves (whilst appreciating there may be no finishing line).
Happiness is created from within, not the outside, bring meaning and purpose to what you do and happiness and fulfillment will find you.
>> make a difference in this world with what lights you up, know your “why” as a leader and why you do what you do. You don’t have to be in a certain place or position in order to do so, you can start right here and now to step into a leader from the heart and positivity-pioneer. Ask yourself what difference can you make today. Allow yourself to start small, you don’t have to beat world hunger in one day, but you can offer to buy lunch for someone who lives on the street.
The world needs you, and your leadership
>> full stop.
JD’s rating: 8/10