Josi’s Blog

Welcome to my blog! This is where personal growth meets actionable insights. Dive into thought-provoking articles that challenge you to take ownership of your life, rebuild self-trust, and navigate the ups and downs of both entrepreneurship and personal development!

Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Accelerate your morning routine!

“(…) If you want to establish a great morning routine, make sure to cover the three main buckets which are your soul, mind, and body. This way you truly do something good for yourself without neglecting any aspect of your being and you tap into your greatness (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

The “Resting Paradox”

“(…) We as human beings are so well trained to keep on working and hustling and being busy all the time that self-compassion and rest seem counterintuitive and unnatural. (…) What we keep ignoring is, that without rest and self-compassion we actually slow down progress and growth (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

My 17 takeaways from the book “Think like a monk” by Jay Shetty

“(…) My two pence in form of thoughts: The main reason I liked this book so much is that it was like reading what I have been thinking and braining and learning about my whole life. To me, it all comes down to us, our thoughts, and the realisation of their power over our life. If we truly are in control of our minds, nothing can break us, we can all be happy now and we can achieve the impossible. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

One of the biggest mistakes people make, and then regret later in their life

“(…) You are here to live your purpose. And your purpose is your inner calling, what lights you up, your passion, what you are great at, and what you love. Do one little thing every day that connects you to your purpose. Set intentions that are aligned with it and also honour your values, your inner compass. You can start right now and today, you have full permission to take this one step. And to take the next tomorrow. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

5 Learnings from the book “The Art of Resilience” by Ross Edgley

“(…) our mind is THE MOST powerful tool we have as human beings. If we understand how it works, and train and strengthen it, nothing can break us.

We may still go through challenging times and feel awful, but with a strong mindset, we will always be able to see through the end, not give up and keep going.

This is what I have been passionate about literally my whole life and what I can help you to foster and grow as well. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

If you want to level up you NEED to understand this first!

“(…) You got to be curious in order to learn and grow. Keeping an open mind is the only way to learn how to do things differently.

AND it starts with being curious about yourself.

What you can’t apply to yourself, has no effect on others. Be curious about who you are, and what you want, and seek to truly understand and then accept yourself for being able to do the same with others. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

What could be possible…

“(…) Stop waiting. Start moving. I am here to help you free yourself from limiting beliefs, create new empowering thought patterns and habits and help you keep going. If you fall and fail, I will help you get back up and try again. If you doubt yourself, I will cheer you on and believe in you like no one else. If you start procrastinating, I will give you the tough love needed, to keep going. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Finding meaning in the journey

“(…) If you want to get out of this spiral, you got to learn to be happy now. Learn to enjoy the process and the work you put in. Then fully celebrate your accomplishments with the excitement of what’s to come next! (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

My 1 best tip to be forgiving, yet still stand up for your values

“(…) What is important to understand is that forgiving someone does not have to mean allowing them back into your life nor accepting their behaviour as being ok. It is simply an act of freeing yourself from them and the negative energy it brings to you. It’s an act of selflove and care and honouring your time and energy. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

The beauty of reflecting

“(…) I have outgrown my baby shoes and am so proud to have chosen and gone this path.

And I am also proud for being a leap-taker, and LEANING IN 100% at that time instead of waiting. The growth, change, and healing that happened this year are immense. And I am so glad I did not wait any longer.

I am glad I stopped waiting, trusted my intuition, and started moving. (…)”

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