You are the captain of your ship and the master of your sea.
Wherever you are in life right now, it is you who got you there.
People often tend to give all credit to situations and external opportunities or others for the things that happen.
Good or bad.
They push away their responsibility for how they got there.
Yes, there may have been others involved or certain circumstances that may not have been possible to be changed.
In the end, it is still THEIR decision, and there is always more than one choice.
So the lesson here is, to accept that you play the biggest part in your life in terms of how it goes or how happy you are.
Take responsibility and full control over your actions and decisions.
You have all the power to change course today to get someplace new.
It is your word that counts last to decide on what will happen.
This is your life and your life only.
Take action.
Set up a sample coaching session with me if you struggle with this!
NamaStay in control