What NO ONE tells you about personal growth

Self-improvement, personal growth, reaching goals, and working for your own dreams is not only ringle-rosy perfect, they DO come at a certain cost. This is why so many people might never even try to pursue what they actually want to do or give up along the way because the toll might not be bearable for them, and instead choose the pain or cost of regret. However, the cost of leveling up pales in comparison to the alternative cost of regret for not pursuing our dreams and aspirations. I have yet to meet someone who says they regret going for their dreams or regret working on themselves. This doesn’t mean it was easy for them, and not that many people talk about the negative side of personal growth, which obviously can obscure expectations.

So what does it take when deciding to have faith and make the empowered choice to pursue a fulfilling life on purpose?

  1. You will go through grief in many different ways. You might feel sad about how easy things seemed to be in the past when you didn’t know certain things or cared less. You might feel grief about you changing and the impact it had on yours surroundings, specifically the bonds you might loose to other people. As you grow yourself, you outgrow others. And whilst it’s a sign that things are shifting in the right direction, you are also letting go of a part of you that you have known so well and you are letting go of people who you might have very fond memories with and despite everything you tried you just can’t seem to rekindle that bond as you go your path. There are days when this doesn’t affect you as much as you experience so many new things and make new connections, but there will also be days when it just hits you.

  2. You got to embrace uncertainty and be willing to step into the unknown. There is no blueprint you can follow, you are the one to create your own roadmap to your success. You have got to be the first. However, this also means that with every step you take, you will discover new strengths, unlock hidden potential and cultivate resilience. You learn to figure stuff out and learn by doing along the way. Whether that might be in form of skills that your discover or improve over time, or systems and tools that you have to learn to offer your services. Building and running a business is not just sending one email and you get a client (unless it’s a bloody good email). You’ll most likely need to work on storytelling, have an offer in place and know how to work your email provider. That comes with time and effort.

  3. You need to be dedicated to your goals and disciplined enough to show up every day to take the required and most importantly consistent action. Whenever I chat with people who have a achieved certain things the one point they always make clear is the long-term action piece. And whilst you might think you can defy the odds and get overnight Tik-Tok famous, I hate to break it to you but you will still need to post consistently before to make that happen. Be prepared that to the outside it might look like an overnight-success story, but the years and years of hard work and effort that made it happen need to be taken into account as well (even if they don’t make for great headliners). You will need to invest time and energy (as you would with staying where you are) the difference is the journey because you know you do it for yourself and your own happiness. This feeling is irreplicable. The rewards gained in terms of personal satisfaction and growth far outweigh the investment.

  4. You will feel discomfort on a daily as you keep on pushing beyond your comfort zone. It feels scary doing things you have never done before. You will face fears and take risks. But this is also what will expand your limits, crush your self-doubt, develop new perspectives and be a leader in life and inspiration for others. You are embodying paving a path of self-belief and opportunities, and this is what will change the world. Staying in the hamster wheel and conforming to all the norms and expectations may grant you an easy life, but will not create the change you want to see in this world. It takes you, to do it. No one else.

Whilst these may be valid worries, also know this, Choosing to forego personal growth and settle for a life of comfort and mediocrity may seem easier in the short term (yes, here you go, I said it, and you know why? Because you are SO worthy and capable of so much more!!!).

However, the cost of regret can be significant and long-lasting. Regret arises from the realisation that you never pursued your dreams or fully embraced your potential. It can lead to feelings of stagnation, unfulfilled potential, and a life tinged with "what ifs., so let me pose you these two question:s

What do you want to remember the most about yourself and your life, looking back at old age?
What one thing do you want to be known and remembered for above all else?

Growth will never ever make your life worse off than it is now, it can only improve! The ROI is exactly what you put in and is utterly in your control. Knowing this, why would you not do it?

Embracing a better YOU does not have to be hard. This is why I created The Best Selves Club for you to start kicking the self-doubt in the peach and instead activate your inner strengths so you can realise your potential and change your life for the better surrounded by fellow impact-driven women! If that’s your vibe, join below, we can’t wait to welcome you!

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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