What I learned so far on my book writing journey!

Josi Dumont, Certified Self-Leadership & Mindset Coach, ACC, CPCC, Life Coach UK, Life Coach in London, Life Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Coaching for women

As some of you may know, I have actually started my first book roughly two years ago. But I couldn't stick to my writing practice, then life took over and whilst the thought of it was still lingering in the back of my mind, I just couldn't get myself to keep on writing more. I tried to get back into it with a 30-day challenge, with no success.

So I took a step back again and asked myself, what worked (barely anything), what didn't (almost everything), and what do I actually enjoy writing about?

At the same time, I devoured 5+ brilliant books of other authors. Mainly to just educate myself and become a better coach, but also to find my fire again (some of these books were all about empowerment). One of them struck me specifically, it was as if the author had copy-pasted my thoughts into her book.

There and then I decided, I would not let anyone else write my book ever again, it's time, now or never. Let's not ignore the dream of mini-me to be an author any longer and make it a reality.

So I sat down and worked through my "Why" (which can be summarised in "Walk the FN talk girl!", I brainstormed, outlined, did the maths, and put it all together into one sheet that now serves as my guidance through writing. I also set up the secret editors club, an amazing group of people who are reading my book as I go, offering input and new perspectives (also makes it harder for me to stop, I have to live up to my own word!)

I carved out my writing practice, put up visual reminders of the name of my book, got coached on my plan to solidify my ambition, and then got to it.

I did everything I could to set myself up for success, and as of today, we are over 16K words and 6 chapters deep.

Further than I have ever gotten with my first book idea.

On the "workdaily", I have a non-negotiable writing practice of 60 minutes and a word count goal of a minimum of 600 words. This is where my masculine energy flows at its best, structure and discipline. (Some of you may remember my crazy calendar structure back in the day, I still swear by it!)

The writing itself is my outlet for the feminine energy, whatever flows out of my fingertips flows. I also implemented a new meditation practice in which I envision myself daily to hold my book in my hands.

When masculine and feminine energy are in balance, incredible magic happens.

Combining these two strategies and sprinkling countless videos and trainings about how to become a better writer is what will make the outcome of becoming a published author inevitable. I know it. (The power of knowing is worth its own full article, would you be interested?)

The main lesson learned is this:

The easier you make it for yourself to write, and the harder you make it to stop writing, the more progress you make.

Replace "writing" with anything you want to do like working out, reading, or even thinking differently and you have a great formula for success.

What I want to point out is this: don't wait any longer to get started, to write, to work out, to heal, to lead, to be better than yesterday. The perfect time is now.

Imagine if you start the New Year ALREADY as the New You?!

There are 68 days left. According to research, it takes 66 to build a new habit. Use the next two days to decide what you want to make real before the end of this year, then use the other 66 days to make it happen.

I believe in you!

With Love


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Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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