Vex King - it’s a vibe!

“Good vibes, good life - how self-love is the key to unlocking your greatness” - by Vex King

Despite me taking months (if not years) from the moment of purchase to finally read this book, it was actually a quick read because I would devour chapter after chapter. Diving into these pages felt like King wrote down what is going on inside my head all along, just in his words. (Which also reignited the goal in me to write my book!). Anyhow, King describes the different concepts that he believes lead to a better life with simple yet beautifully selected words, right on the point, and powerful.

And it all comes down to, you may have guessed it, you. Or me. Or anyone.

The key to having the best experience of this lifetime is how we think about it and be in it. The more we are our truest selves, the more we lead life from our hearts and authentically, and the better it gets to be.

As I purchased the physical version of the book (which I nowadays rarely do), it is covered in highlighter markings. Here are the takeaways that either spoke right to my heart, triggered me in a positive way, provided new perspectives, or were simply too good not to share.

  • “A greater life requires you to find your greatness” - you have to break the barriers of the norm, the standard, the realistic to make things happen that 1. you deserve and 2. push the limits of what everyone deems as possible

  • “Self-Love consists of two essential elements that must be balanced to live a harmonious life (…) 1. appreciate where you are and who you are (mindset and unconditional love towards yourself) (…) 2. improve yourself and your life (growth) - resulting in empowerment and liberation

  • “To receive good vibes we must project good vibes” - this comes down to what I cannot say enough: what we think, feel, and do create our reality. If we vibe high, we achieve high or higher. Why? Because this whole freakin’ world consists of energy, radiate on the frequency you want to be on to make the frequency your reality.

  • “We must learn to accept that once the past is gone, it cannot be changed” - we can only change how it may still affect (or fuel) us now or in the future. Think of it this way, do you want to hold onto negative emotions and hold grudges up until you are old and wrinkly? Forgive if needed, let go, and free yourself.

  • “Some friends (family members) want you to do well, but not too well” - this may be due to envy or not believing it could be possible for themselves. What this means for you though is to be very selective with whose energy you surround yourself and stay on your course of growth. If you don’t let go of those limiting energies you will eventually outgrow them and they may fall off automatically. King also describes it this way: “The further you are emotionally (energetically) from another person, the less real you appear to them.

  • “We change ourselves to fit in, rather than changing the world by being ourselves” - k!ll them with your authenticity, break the stigma with your true face, and challenge the status quo with your uniqueness, because IT WILL make this world a better place. Imagine everyone could do this, without any worries or hesitations, or fear of judgment. This world would be so free. And no, there is no limit as to how many can be that way, everyone can, otherwise why are we all here?

  • “It’s very common for people to change the way they appear in order to reflect the ideals (…) - but it is far less common to change the way you think and act” - Oh, this was music in my head when reading this sentence! Yes, changing the way we think actually may be connected to more effort, but DAMN it’s so much more worth it. Do you want to be known for your looks, or the value you have to give, for who you are, what you stand for, and your beliefs? “You cannot purchase a new personality”. I believe I do not need to say any further for this one.

  • “When you use words to belittle yourself, you diminish your own joy. (…) Don’t punish yourself for what you have done, and instead focus on what you can do better.” - the way we talk to ourselves can make or break our reality and how we experience life. Be kind, to yourself too.

  • “Positive thinking is the act of choosing ideas that empower you over those that limit you” - positivity will always lead to trying and eventually succeeding, and negativity will always lead to failure and regret. Let your thoughts be a driver, not the brakes.

  • “If you want to change your belief, you have to disprove your CURRENT belief by finding enough evidence to support the belief you WANT” - and this comes with consistent practice and keep on trying and experimenting with different methods, may it be affirmations, vision boards, surrounding yourself with people you aspire to be like journaling, visualising, or setting intentions. There are people out there who have done unimaginable things to the mediocre mindset, who swim against the crowd, who are disruptive, bold, and most importantly: themselves. Collect proof day in, and day out that you too can change your beliefs to change your reality. It takes mostly small steps!

  • “Don’t worry about how it is going to happen, otherwise you’ll begin to create limitations” - trust the universe has your back (remember energy, thoughts, etc?) and follow its guidance and signs. It is NOT a coincidence that if an idea pops up in your mind you will see related topics popping up around you. It is the universe telling you “Hey, give it a try, it may lead to what you want”. If you watched Pirates of the Caribbean you are familiar with Jack’s compass, right? The universe works the same way, showing you the signs to follow and act upon all the time around you to achieve what you want most in life.

I would recite the whole book if I could, but if you want the full experience, you just got to read it. I loved it, and I will read it again (and maybe again). It is one to keep forever.

Vibe high, always.


JD’s rating: 10/10

Buy the book here (click)

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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