The many definitions of a “Lebenskünstler”

Josephine Dumont, Mindset Coach, Leadership Coach

More than 10 years ago I finished college back in Germany. As in many other schools, there was a tradition to have some form of a year-end book with pictures of students and other memories. As “How I met your Mother” was quite popular back then, ours was inspired by “The Playbook”.

There was one section, showing by vote who for example had the prettiest smile, was the smartest, and so on.

To my astonishment, I scored rather high on the vote for “Lebenskuenstler”. (I might have even won the vote, but can’t remember exactly, blame my minimalism on having to declutter things like this all the time).

Anyway, you could translate the word “Lebenskuenstler” as “life artist”, but when looking it up it comes with a vast amount of different definitions, and even I would interpret it rather differently than what you may find in the depths of Google.

I would explain a life artist as someone who walks through life authentically, with a strong mindset, ready and happy to challenge the status quo and make the best out of any situation.

Now, this does come pretty close to some others I found:

  • “A master of the art of living”

  • “Imagine making art, not with paint or clay, but with life itself as your medium. Someone who finds beauty in the colours of life as they are put at their disposal, making do with the brushes they have got and doesn’t pout over a few mistaken strokes”

  • “Someone who knows to live, survivor, a person who knows to make the best of things”

  • “One who recognises opportunities in life and takes advantage or makes use of those opportunities to make the most out of one’s own life, one who lives life deliberately and to the fullest capacity”

  • “Chilled-out dude”

Reading through these definitions, I see authenticity, freedom, peace, creativity, joy, fulfilment, purpose, positivity, and leadership popping up.

Of which all are values of mine and something I always try to live by or strive for making real. They are part of how I see myself and what my mission is in this one life experience I have got. If you know me or have read through previous posts you will have noticed those topics coming up a lot.

If you were to ask me, how to be an “artist of life”, my first advice would be: Be yourself, do you, go your own path.

And by simply doing so, you will be the creator of this one life you have.

Which definition of the life artist resonated most with you?

NamaStay a Lebenskuenstler


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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