How to stop/change a bad habit
Habits, good or bad we all have them. They form our daily routines but also play a big role in our thought patterns and belief systems. Our brain LOVES doing what it knows to do. It loves running programs that are easy to run because we know them so well.
But once we understand that these programs can be changed, and truly believe we can change them, we will be able to do so.
So consider this, you want to lose weight but you have a habit of overeating and therefore you struggle to do so.
First up let’s look into the thought pattern and belief system you created that leads you to keep on overeating. This could be because you grew up thinking you always have to empty your plate (because otherwise, it will rain tomorrow), or you grew up with a lack of access to food and built a system around when I grow up I will always have everything I want to eat, it could also be a compensation mechanism in situation you wanted to feel better and food gave you a temporary rise in endorphins, so to keep feeling good you keep on eating more.
Without knowing what causes you to overeat, we cannot rewrite and change the habit.
Once we nailed this down, we can write a new script you want to run. This can be in form of a mantra or affirmation. A power statement that truly resonates with you and perfectly sums up your new state of being and doing.
To reinforce this, even more, create a strong mental picture of it. This could be a symbol that has a specific meaning to you and can easily remind you of your goal and how you want to feel.
Combine your mantra with a strong “why”. The stronger your reason why you want to lose weight, the better and easier it will be. Only if we truly want something, will we put in the effort and make the change happen.
Look for and collect all the reasons why YOU CAN make this happen, and you will.
Now that you have awareness of your old patterns, wrote a new script, and combined it with strong resonance you get to practice it.
Do, be, live, breathe, and most importantly BELIEVE your new system.
The more you believe this to be true for you, the easier it will be.
Find examples in life when you were successful before, collect proof that you can, and create new proof.
Be consistent and keep on practicing even if you don’t feel like it. You are doing this for yourself, so show up for yourself.
You have your “why”, you know you can!
I 110% know you can and believe in you. I know you will keep on trying even if you fail at first, I know you can keep going and achieve the change you are looking for.
I know you can lose weight, I know you can learn to set boundaries, I know you can learn to prioritize yourself first, and I know you can achieve all those things you have previously thought are too hard or difficult.
As long as you truly want to, and believe you can, you will!
The steps are simple:
-be aware of the old pattern
-rewrite it and create a new one
-know your “why”, have a strong mental picture, believe it is possible
-practice the new pattern
If there is self-doubt coming up right now, please reach out. In my 1:1 Coaching, I can show you how to turn self-doubt into self-belief, increase your confidence and trust in yourself and make the changes you seek happen.
NamaStay bettering myself