Less apologising, more embracing

I see it often with my clients, and certainly have been there myself (or maybe even sometimes still are): that moment when you talk about something you want or dream about, BUT.

But there are already so many others out there doing it, and they are more successful so I don’t have a chance.
But I have to wait until XYZ happens so I can start this new endeavor.
But I need to undergo rigorous training and be qualified before I can do this professionally.
But I can’t just go, what would my friends and family think?
But I can’t speak up, otherwise, I will lose my job.
But I can’t leave this relationship, we have been together for so long.
But, but, but,…

You get the point.

How about we try deleting the word “but” from your vocabulary (and no, this is not an invitation to think of similar words that will indicate an excuse as to why you should not follow your dreams and wants!).

All these statements indicate a longing for something better for yourself. So please, do not ever deny it to yourself with the first thought. It is indeed a miracle to me, that as humans we have this belief of not deserving good things, that we have to stick it out and just accept it because that’s life. We have been programming ourselves that this is just the way it is, breaking out is against the norm and how dare those who do that?

Na ah!

Please challenge the status quo if that means you can be happy.
Please break out of a toxic cycle if it means you get to be truly yourself.
Please have the courage to step out of the line and go your own path, if it means you find fulfillment.

Please stop apologising for blocking your own way.

The only thing you may want to apologise for is your younger self, for not doing this earlier. And then give yourself a hug and forgive yourself for knowing it now, and promising your future self that you are ready to step into your divinity.

And you don’t have to do an all-or-nothing approach. Take it slow, take it easy if that’s your vibe. However do take action, take one step a day and you will go places. (I may sound like a broken record here, sorry not sorry).

Be serious about your dreams, you so deserve to make them a reality.

And I am here to keep on pushing you, debunking those limits that pop up and cheer like no other when you reach your goals. I already am proud of you because you are reading these exact words. The fact you landed here means something.

It means you are ready to stop apologising, and ready to embrace your dream life, your best self, something better, something bigger!

So let’s talk about your next steps, shall we? >> coffeewithjd.business@gmail.com <<

NamaSTOP apologising


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


Positivity - but not as you may think


Mindfulness reimagined