I dropped out of uni SO close to the end

And here is why:

The initial plan in 2016 was to get a BSc in Economics and Management.

As I wanted to be as flexible as possible due to moving country 3 times since finishing my apprenticeship I opted for an international program so I could study from home and take exams wherever.

This worked great, yet required a HUGE amount of discipline as I was still working 100%. Closer to exams I would literally get up at 3 AM to get some hours in. My calendar looked like a bomb exploded (yet still was very organised actually). However, this was a strategy I now absolutely do not recommend.

All of this of course took a toll on my well-being, and with the burnout in 2020, I also started to highly question why I actually wanted the degree.

I had to get real honest with myself and learn that in fact, my main reasons why I was doing it were no longer aligned with my values and there was also a lot of trying to live up to OTHERs’ expectations included. 

I needed to let go of that as well as any feelings of shame or guilt for not reaching the initial goal.

But with all the inner work I put in with my own coach and during coaching training, I realigned with my values and my true purpose in life got crystal clear. So I made another executive decision (like leaving corporate, starting my own business, and ending a toxic long-term relationship) on what I really wanted to spend my resources on:

Coaching and helping you live and lead life authentically!

I dropped out of uni.

And could not be happier about the decision, especially as I still managed to have a diploma in higher education land in my letterbox this week! Yay!

I guess the lesson here is, that in some cases no longer pursuing something does not have to equal failure if it means you can instead do something else that aligns with what you want, what’s important to you, and what makes you happy!

With Love & Gratitude


(This story was initially posted on Instagram, make sure to follow me there to not miss out)

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


Tough, calm and resilient with William B. Irvine


Positivity - but not as you may think