Goals, strategies, and systems

Josephine Dumont, Mindset Coach, Leadership Coach

Yes, goal setting is great but without a strategy and system in place, the likelihood of actually reaching the goal is very small. In order to reach a goal of “I want to lose 5kg”, you need to build a strategy or gameplan for reaching it, this also includes having a well-functioning system that allows you to get there. The easier this system is for you to stick with, the more likely you will enjoy the process, stick to your strategy and eventually reach your goal.

In addition, it is also crucial to not be too attached to the outcome of your goal of losing 5kg. You are not worth more or less with or without weight. You are not more or less loveable with or without it. If you think that it is indeed like this, you need to work on your intrinsic motivation, self-love, and trust!

Burdening yourself with the extra pressure of “only if I do this I will be better” takes away the joy of the ride and makes it heavy to carry through and more likely for you to give up.

To counteract this, set yourself an intention, almost like a mini-preparation each day to take things from this intent rather than immediately going to “I failed because I haven’t lost enough”. Of course, you can set an intention for the whole journey, almost like a powerful affirmation to keep you going, however, the battle is won with many fights, and to also stay more present and in the here and now, daily intentions provide you the right amount of flexibility to keep going day after day. This is part of your strategy.

When it comes to your system, focus on one small change or improvement, change or switch every day, for example:

  1. Instead of sugary drinks I will switch to sugar-free ones

  2. Instead of storebought ice cream for dessert, I make my own with frozen bananas

  3. Instead of watching videos while eating, I will fully focus on my meal

  4. Instead of taking the bus all the way to work, I will get to one station earlier to walk

  5. Instead of having a coffee first thing after getting up, I will have a glass of water

These are just some examples, but you get the gist of it. And even here you can look at how to improve those new steps a little further (for example taking the bike to work instead of the bus).

The essence of the system and strategy is that you do something new or different.

From doing the same old habits, nothing new will happen.

Yes, your body and mind may at first reject the new, because it is unknown, not comfortable and not (yet) programmed into your brain and body, but the more often you do it, the more it slowly sinks into your subconscious and will rewrite the old program into something that serves you better along the way.

Embrace the discomfort, because it means you are growing and evolving as a person. You are leaving your old self behind and creating a new version that reaches your goals.

You are now someone who takes the bike to work, who makes healthy snacks, who drinks more water, and more!

You create a new identity for yourself, and once you have done that, reaching your goal is inevitable.



Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


Staying calm and finding peace in the eye of the storm


Keep on showing up