Exposing Saboteurs
“The more we learn about their characteristics, the more we understand when they come up”.
We all have them.
We all hear them every day.
If you think you don’t have any, let me break the hard truth to you…
…that this means they are especially strong and sneaky. Everyone has them, even the most successful, mindful, or wisest people on this planet. The difference is, that they probably know about their saboteurs, and know how to turn down their voice, making them small so they can’t do anymore what they can do best: sabotaging you.
For a while, the purpose of your saboteurs may have been to keep you safe due to what has happened in the past. They kept you in illusions and stories that are not true, just to make sense of what is happening.
>>They may say things like:
-"You are the reason why everyone is miserable"
(the lie: keeping up illusions about others to protect them, taking the joy out of your existence, and taking away your purpose)
-"You will fail anyway, why should you even try"
(the lie: keeping you “safe” from the experience of failing by not even trying, taking the joy out of exploring and adventures outside the box)
-"You are not good and smart enough"
(the lie: keeping you to work more and harder because it’s never enough, taking the joy out of accomplishments and growth)
! On the bright side, we ARE NOT our saboteurs. They live within us but they are not us!
So, the more we learn about their characteristics, the more we understand when they come up and how they try to manipulate us and our experience on this planet, and the better we get at taking the power back from them. We start learning to redistribute these powers to our leader within, our inner sage, who wants us to change and grow and be happy and have a fulfilled life (I will talk about this inner resource more in another post).
By doing this, we shift our mindset >>
From “you can’t” to “oh yes you can”.
From scarcity to abundance.
From self-hatred to self-love.
From fear to courage.
From negativity to positivity.
From limitations to freedom and possibilities.
From chaos to balance.
From "fml" to fulfilment and purpose.
We all deserve a happy life, for it is here to be lived fully!
If some of this resonated with you, and you feel inspired to learn more about your saboteurs and how to decrease their powers in order to level up your experience of life, send me a message and we can have a chat and a coffee in a complimentary chemistry session :)
NamaStay Happy
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