Debunk your procrastinator thought pattern

Do you know the difference between MOTION vs ACTION?
Leave a comment below with your answer, before you continue reading, and don't worry, this is a judgment-free zone :)
Because for a long time I didn't know the difference either, I was a happy planner and preparer (to the minute!), and therefore happy to be in motion.
I was like "yeah, I did something today, this feels good, I can do this".
But did I actually get something done?
Not really.
Not only did I waste way too much time on planning that I could have used to start doing and progressing but I also could not stick to the plan exactly as planned.
And therefore this is a perfect example of great team play between my perfectionist saboteur and my procrastinator. Kudos to them, for giving me short-term feelings of accomplishment, without accomplishing anything, and detrimental to long-term goals!
Fortunately, my sage/inner leader is stronger than my saboteurs, so I learned how to get out of procrastination or motion and into action instead!
I absolutely do consider myself someone who learns by doing, and the more I do it, the better I learn and the easier it gets.
It's about the teeny tiny steps we take every day, every hour, every minute, and every second.
The journey from motion to action starts with our thoughts.
As does the transformation from procrastination queen/king to productivity queen/king!
If you tend to over plan, procrastinate, overthink OR don't have a plan at all, reach out to me.
Let's have a chat about procrastination and how I can help you.
Because if I can beat my saboteurs, so can you (like there is 0 doubt!)
I am here to show you what's possible, to hold you accountable, and to open up your realm of possibilities.
Together we will shift even the most stubborn mindset, get a hang of the stickiest saboteurs and unlock all the inner resources you need to make things happen!