Create your own blueprint for life
I may sound like a broken record here, but I feel like this is a never-ending love story of a topic, and with growing numbers of readers, I almost feel obliged to share my recent thoughts and learnings around this.
The other day I shared a quote of mine that basically sums it all up:
“Just because there isn’t “a” way, doesn’t mean there can’t be YOUR way”.
Let’s go a little bit more into detail with this, shall we?
Yes, the rules and way we learn from society may be leading to a happy and successful life, if that is your vibe. Some of them I also do agree to make a lot of sense, like striving to have a job to support your life or saving money for your future self.
But what these standards and expectations very much ignore or even judge in a negative way, is that you can have and do all that by finding your unique way of doing things.
There is no need to follow the standard way to be successful and happy in life. These standards should not HAVE TO be part of our individual definitions of happiness and success.
So we first up need to learn to detach ourselves from it, which I do appreciate may take a lot of courage to do because suddenly you are swimming against the current. But what if you end up in a beautiful small river right next to this massive current, which takes you to a similar destination but you also get to enjoy the journey, drift off every now and then and get to explore whether you like the temperature, the food or surroundings or not.
What if you make this journey truly yours, and follow where your heart leads you?
Where would you go?
Would you be where and do what you are right now?
Give yourself the permission, freedom, and flexibility, to create your own blueprint of life.
If it hasn’t been done before, be the first to do it. Just because the job you seek doesn’t exist yet, doesn’t mean you can’t create it for yourself.
If you think about what most people regret when on the deathbed, it is mostly the things they didn’t dare to do and the risks they couldn’t find the courage to take. For them, it is too late to wonder what if, but if you are reading this right now, I can 100% confirm to you it is NOT too late for you!
Dare to be a trailblazer, find new ways to do things, and reinvent your wheel if needed.
Your values are your compass through life, your intuition your best advisor and with me, as your coach, you may as well be unstoppable ;)
Fancy creating your very own blueprint together? Reach out and schedule a free 30-minute coaching session to learn what i s possible!
NamaStay unique