You are not responsible for someone else’s happiness
And others are not responsible for your happiness.
Happiness starts and ends with you. You need to learn to be happy 100% without the addition of happiness coming through other people, material things, or situations. Once you mastered this, you will truly be happy, and you can trust that no one will ever be able to take it away from you. No challenge or hardship will be able to reduce your base level of happiness, because it is not dependent on it.
Don’t ever be sorry for following your heart to pursue what makes you truly happy. If it means moving to a different country, go for it, if it means changing jobs, give it a go. If your inner voice is calling you, and you listen, you should not feel bad about it.
You did the right thing.
And if someone else wants to put blame on you for following your inner truth, or judge you for wanting to be happy, they have not yet fully grasped the concept of happiness and have a lot to learn. Should this ever stop you? The answer is simple: No.
In addition, it is truly unfair to put such expectations on another person. It is an additional burden you may have to carry even though you should never have to.
You alone have full control and power over your level of happiness, and no one else’s.
In the same way, no one else has or should ever have full control and power over your level of happiness.
If a friend or family member of yours pursues new adventures, starts a journey of self-discovery, and reconnects to their authentic self, celebrate with them, support them, and be there for them. Don’t make them feel bad for creating a better experience in their life.
They have their life, as you have yours.
Focus on yourself first.
Be happy with yourself first.
If you are on the journey of self-discovery and need some extra support, send me a message to with the keywords “Happiness from within” to get a free 30-minute session.
Or if you struggle with detaching your happiness from other people, events, and things, send me a message too to learn how to let go, and find peace, acceptance, and inner happiness yourself.
NamaStay happy
Josephine Dumont